The Giving Tree Shel Silverstein Analysis

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Imagine if you're in the future and you kept coming back to the past for more and more stuff until everything you have is gone. In time the boy grows older and he kept coming back to This tree for all the things he needs. She gives him everything until she has nothing left to give him just to make him happy. In The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein personifies the character of the tree to represent how wants and needs change over time. The first way the boy keeps coming back to his past is he keeps coming to the tree.
As a child, the boy comes to the tree for entertainment. This shows that he comes back to something he need as a young boy the kid comes back to the tree and ask for money and then a few years later he comes back and asks for more …show more content…

As the boy grew older he needs got bigger and he started to get a little greedy and his past started to become unhappy. "I want a wife and I want children, and so I need a house. Can you give me a house?" “I have no house," said the tree. "The forest is my house, but you may cut off my branches and build a house. Then you will be happy. And so the boy cut off her branches”. This shows how the boy took off the tree's branches to build and house so he got greedy and we could say as he grew up he wanted more than when he was little. This showed how he got greedy and wanted more as he grew older and yet he keeps coming back to his past when he doesn't have anything so some could say he is relying on his past to make him happy. In “The Giving Tree”, Shel Silverstein personifies the character of the tree to represent the past. This shows you how the tree is the past and the boy keeps coming back to it. Like the giving tree I myself have tried to go into the past to make myself happy or take something from the past to make me happy again. So through all this in the giving tree it has shown you that the boy keeps coming back to his past to make him happy and for his entertainment. Imagine yourself in the future but you're not happy. So what would you do to make you happy go back to the