
The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls Sparknotes

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The JFK Profile in Courage Award was created by the Kennedy family in 1989 to honor President John F. Kennedy and recognize the quality of political courage which he admired the most. The award recognizes a public official who demonstrates the qualities mentioned by President Kennedy in his, Profiles in Courage. In order to win this award one must be a living person who are or were elected officials, must stand strong in their beliefs that are for the good of the country, risk their career, and risk getting re-elected. Many people like Daniel Webster, Thomas Hart Benton, Sam Houston, and every other character named in JFK’s book portrayed the acts of political courage which is to have the courage to stand up for what they believe is right no matter the consequences. However, when asked if Jeannette Walls could or could not be a candidate for this award the three requisites must be taken into consideration. …show more content…

In her book she explains how hard it was for her and her siblings to grow up with an alcoholic dad and her mom who is a selfish painter. Until Jeannette was around the age of six her family moved around a lot between Arizona and California every time they would fall in debt. Even though Jeannette did have a harsh childhood and her book explained every hardship and sacrifice she had to make she does not qualify to be a candidate for The JFK Profile in Courage Award. The first reason as to why she could not be a candidate for this award because she has never been an elected official. Walls’ career is a writing non-fiction books, not being a public official for the government therefore she does not meet the first

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