
The Gold Bug Sparknotes

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At the beginning of the story, The Gold Bug, we meet three people: Jupiter, William Legrand, and the narrator. This story takes place on Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina(Poe 226). Here, Legrand, Jupiter, and the narrator come into conflict because of the mysterious gold bug and parchment. This creates the inciting moment and leads them to finding buried treasure. Legrand found the beetle and parchment on the beach but he and he put it in his pocket and took it home. When Jupiter sees Legrand acting strange he tells the narrator that Legrand is sick. That is the inciting moment. We are told that he got bit by a bug and that he isn’t acting like himself. Legrand drew a picture of a bug on a piece of parchment. (Poe 228) The narrator and Legrand …show more content…

He also has a language barrier too his speech was probably picked up from his former master after Legrand saved him. This makes it harder for the readers to understand him. Though I think Poe intended it to be so. So you know what it is like to have a language barrier and knowing the difficulties and struggles Jupiter lived with. When Jupiter was told he had to go out on the limb he was very hesitant (Poe 235). He was scared that he would fall because it was rotting and wasn’t that stable. Legrand threatened Jupiter that if he didn’t go up the tree that he would crack his head with the shovel and of course Jupiter listened to this and he climbed up the tree. Even though the narrator and Legrand were annoyed and angry with Jupiter he remained loyal and listened to Legrand. When Jupiter was on the trail and in the tree it was mentioned that he carried the gold bug on the rope (Poe 354). He was suspicious and scared of the gold bug because he thought Legrand was crazy. If Legrand was crazy the only way Jupiter thought was possible was because the bug might have bite his master. With Jupiter having the bug on a rope it made Legrand and the narrator anxious. The narrator said we should go home but Jupiter said no because he was loyal to

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