The Good News About Marriage Feildhahn Analysis

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The Good News About Marriage, written by Shaunti Feldhahn, is a novel that addresses the mythologies on divorce while revealing discouragement to be the biggest threat to a marriage. The book demonstrates hopefulness to be the key to a successful marriage while being a tool to restore a broken relationship as well.
In high school, I was taught that the current divorce rate in America was 50%. I even remember having it as a test question on my final exam. It wasn’t until I read The Good News About Marriage, that I understood it was really just a myth. In chapter 1 itself, Feldhahn implies that there isn’t a correct answer to the exact divorce rate in America. However, not everyone knows that divorce rate in the U.S. isn’t 50%. After hearing this myth, people use this as an excuse to not …show more content…

And for some, that may be true. However, for most, marriage is all about compromise. A spouse has to give a little in order to get a little. Doing the smallest things can help make a big difference in a marriage. It is true that in certain instances, marriages can break due a little thing. While people are focusing on the small details, they often don’t realize the elementary needs and fears shared by their partner. Instead of having a marriage fall apart over the little things, turn those little things into the factors that could help save a marriage. More than 99% of husbands and wives compassionately care for one another. They often believe in the best of the spouse’s intentions even when they have been hurt. While 1,261 people were surveyed, only nine of them said they didn’t care much for their other half. I believe that caring for one another is a foundation to relationship. If you care for a person, then you would want to make sure that person is happy. In 82% of stressed couples, one spouse is unaware that the other is unhappy. Communication is also another fundamental aspect to a marriage. (Pg. 220, 224, 235,