The Good Soldier Movie Essay

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From the book The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford, John Dowell was repetitively cheated on by his wife and close friend of nine years. Here is a movie recommendation (featuring mainly Rom-Coms) dedicated to cheating, overcoming heartbreak, and moving on.

1. (500) Days of Summer – Tom believes that he and Summer are meant to be together until she breaks up with him out of the blue. He spends his time going over the 500 days they were together and tries to determine what went wrong. In the end, he meets another girl named Autumn, signaling another full circle of a relationship. For John Dowell, this storyline could represent his journey perfectly. He finds himself stuck in an unhappy relationship, but when it ends, he finds himself in love with someone else, Nancy.
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He’s Just Not That into You – One relationship in the story is between Janine, her husband Ben, and the yoga instructor. Ben eventually tells Janine that he cheated on her with Anna, the yoga instructor, and Janine thinks it’s her fault for not being involved enough in their relationship. Anna and Ben continue to cheat so Janine moved out and starts a new life. John Dowell would appreciate this plot of the movie. He would watch the movie and decide that he doesn’t need to stay with his cheating wife, Florence, and start a new life for himself without her.
3. John Tucker Must Die – John Tucker thinks he can date three different girls without any of them noticing. When they find out, they enlist the help of Kate to out his cheating ways. They want to ruin his good reputation and make him pay. Right after finding out that his wife was cheating on him with the “Good Soldier,” John Dowell probably felt like this group of girls. Seeing someone have a reputation built on good deeds and heroism before sleeping with your wife probably ruins your perception of them. John Dowell would find humor in this