The Gospel Of God Research Paper

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The Gospel of God is the truth of God’s word towards humanity. After humanity’s constant disobedience towards the Father, He realized that something must be done to bring us back on the path towards righteousness. In the Old Testament, God used many examples to help reestablish our faith and hope in His words. One major example being the Great Flood that wiped the Earth clean of all sin and depravity. God saw that man’s heart was filled with too much evilness and that wickedness covered the Earth too much that He had to do something drastic to save us from the hands of our adversary. The flood was that safety net during Noah time, but God realized that destroying His greatest creation would not cleanse sin from our hearts completely. Since …show more content…

God’s gospel is the summation of all His teachings and ideas for humanity. Jesus was the living embodiment of the Father, who was sent to tell the people God’s plan for us and our future if we continued to stay by the Father’s side. Jesus life was not filled with rainbows and fuzzy clouds. He endured persecution, confusion, and hate for His love for our Father. His life was an example of how we would be treated ultimately for our love towards the Father. Eventually, we would go through a period of doubt and question because the world is filled with so much hate for what is considered good. Jesus was the only ‘perfect man’ because he was the body of God sent to show us the true living way of God. The Lord understood that Earth would continue to have sin and wickedness that would contradict with the laws of the Spirit until God eventually wipes sin from the books life. Jesus was our redemption and rebirth with the Father. Jesus journey was a growth process. Even though His faith always remained with the Lord there was still a process that needed to be shown to us. A process to explain how powerful and how important God’s relationship to humanity is to the