The Great And Venerable Teacher Chapter 6 Summary

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In chapter six, “The Great and venerable Teacher” by Livia Kohn is about the difference in understanding nature and mankind. To understand the meaning of death means the meaning of life must be understood first. And with the knowledge of understanding both concepts, it is imperative to not confuse the concept of nature and mankind.
In the beginning of the chapter, Kahn gives a scenario of four men Master Si, Master Yu, Master Li, Master Lai having the same belief of trusting the cycle of life and as a result they become friends. Master Yu soon becomes very ill. Master Yu reacted to his condition as if it was not as serious as it is. His reaction to his sickness is the difference in understanding nature and mankind. Master Yu goes on to explain throughout the beginning of the chapter that the Creator is not ending his life but transforming him to start a new life as something else, whether it is an owl, horse, or a crossbow pellet. To …show more content…

Dying is simply ending the current form in which you take, however you will transform into something else that will be useful to the world. Kohn stresses to the reader that being satisfied with the order of things will bring neither joy nor sadness. He goes on to express how people are bounded by mankind. Regardless of the sight of situations, the Heavens will win. Therefore, there is no need to go against the order of destiny. Later in the chapter, Master Lai becomes ill. His family becomes concerned about his condition. But Master Li assures the family that Master Lai is going through change, which is a part of the process in transforming. To help better understand the concept, Kohn compares the refusal of death to a skilled smith that is casting