The power of positive thinking can lead you to success. “Only very dim people, who have clearly failed to grasp the situation we’re in, aren’t depressed,” – Heather Mallick. Positive means with no possibility of doubt and positivity means the quality or state of being positive. Mallick’s article goes into talking about how we spend more time sitting around, mopping about how something didn’t happen or something depressing happened, than we do rejoicing on the things we have and are lucky to have. An Example of this is The Great Depression, even in the middle of destitution then people found ways to be happy. They could have just given up and did nothing about their situation, but they all got to their feet, rolled up their sleeves and worked hard at getting their lives back together. Though the peoples of The Depression went through a lot of pain and suffering it produce harvest of good blessing.
Mallick continues to talk about how she went to a restaurant and the man that was working there didn’t want to serve her because of her nationality. She says the place smelt bad, the man messed up her order, she got asked to leave. The night was a disaster. Later that evening, she found a nicer restaurant that had great food, a nicer
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Don’t stress over the little or big problems your facing, remove negative thoughts or even negative people from your life (no one should hold you back), and make time for things you truly enjoy. If you aren’t doing something that truly makes you happy, then you have poor emotionally health, which can result in weakening your immune system. Going to a job you hate, every day, day after day, you become tired, irritated, mad, etc.… This isn’t good for your mind set. It will lead you to give up, become lazy, lose your job, hurt the ones you love, become unhappy with yourself and so many more results of