Do you know anything about The Great Depression? The Great Depression was very tough times for many individuals. From 1929 and through the 1940’s there was a crisis called The Great Depression. The 29th of November 1929 the stock market crashed. Many people were out of food,jobs,and also places to live. The Great Depression was full of hard times, suffering, and struggles.
The Great Depression was full of hard times for pretty much everyone, especially the government. Times was hard for the government because they were responsible for not only fixing the stock market, but restoring the faith and happiness in our country. When the stock market crashed everyone that had invested in any kind of stock lost their whole investment. Almost everyone lost money. At the end of five days after the stock market crashing, approximately $25 billion dollars of personal wealth had evaporated. Money was just a few of many things that occurred during this time that made it hard on peoples everyday life.
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Banks were out of money, bank depositors’ were also out of money. If the bank chose to make a bad investment, there was no act or law protecting the individual depositors' money, so therefore if they lost their money in the bank than their money was just gone for good. Workers began getting laid off from their jobs, with no income some could not keep their homes and was homeless with their families. The U.S was the most industrialized out of all the countries, so therefore when jobs began closing down the other countries that depended on us for goods was disappointed when they received little or no goods. Things were getting really bad for the country and the people who lived in