What Did Hoover Do During The Great Depression

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There were a lot of things that happened, but even with all this people never gave up on each other they helped each other. When push came to shove people helped each other. So many people can’t even work to make a living and put bread on the table. The Great Depression became worse because of greed from business owners and bad leadership and he thought that the economy would fix it self from President Hoover. The Great Depression was when people panicked both the economy and the stock market crashed. Poor leadership and exclusion along with low money for anyone including the government. Lead to low demand and so the production when down so less workers were needed. Then soup and bread lines along with Hoovervilles, and the poor called everything Hoover, because they blamed him. But when the Japanese bombed Pearl harbor conscription came into effect and the factories went back into full production. That and Roosevelt saved us from the depression. (History .com staff The Great Depression) …show more content…

Almost a ¼ of all of the U.S. had no work. during his term he helped feed Europe but did little to help while people starved. He thought that the states could help their own but they couldn’t, public work failed too. During his term social security, work agencies, and more were created to help people. He also tried to help banks and business that the money would reach the people but it rarely did. He developed a “Don’t care” reputation.A delegation came to see him” Hoover responded to them by saying”Gentlemen, you have come sixty days late. The Depression is over.” He insisted that”nobody is actually starving” and that “the hoboes… are better fed than they have ever been.” The only thing people seem to remember is the bad someone did never the good. (President