The New Deal Dbq Essay

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The Great depression was one of the biggest financial crises in the history of the united states.The Depression started while president hoover was still in office.He was widely blamed for not doing enough to combat the Great Depression.But that during that time and even before the Depression this was normal because the government usually didn’t get involved in the financial affairs of its people.Even during the panic of 1873 the government did nothing to help the people.They did nothing because all of the leaders thought that this would all be over and solve itself. But all of that changed as soon as Franklin D.Roosevelt came into office.After Franklin roosevelt came into office him and his administration started making a lot of federal agencies and other programs that would help americans survive the great depression.Some of these agencies and programs changed the role of the government.They were also pretty effective in helping the american people get money for food rent and some other necessities.But even though this new deal helped us get through the great depression it was the next world war that really got our economy back on its feet. But unlike Franklin Roosevelt other Presidents before Roosevelt did not share the same view.Because during the …show more content…

Because of these people the supreme court decided that there was going to be limit for how much the government could get involved.This changed how the government's role would be during this crisis.having this restriction meant that the government could not control businesses and other things that were private to the