The Great Flood In The Epic Of Gilgamesh And The Story Of Genesis

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The Great Flood A common archetype found in literature is the story of a worldwide flood. It is found in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of Genesis in The Hebrew Bible. There are also many other stories which involve a great flood. Although many people throughout the world believe that this happened, the idea of a great flood is simply an archetype. There has never been any evidence that backs up the theory of a worldwide flood. The idea that one ever really happened is complete speculation. The only evidence is from the stories, which is not reliable information as we have no proof that these stories are true (“GEOMYTHOLOGY”). In the story of Genesis, one of the most important detail is that of a huge ark in which Noah and his family survived the flood in (Genesis 6.14). Although there are many groups who claimed to have found the ark, no one ever has (“Noah’s Ark Found in Turkey?”). There is also a similar concept in The Epic of Gilgamesh. A boat was also built to save the hero and his family (Gilgamesh, 23-24). The problem is, the boat would have been impossible to build. In the story, it was a humongous boat, too big to have actually been functioning (“Nova Secrets of Noah’s Ark”). …show more content…

There has been evidence of frequent flooding near Mesopotamia which can actually help disprove the theory of a worldwide flood. The flood deposits that have found all date back to different dates, proving that they are not from one single flood. These areas also experienced occasional super flooding, which is a large, devastating flood (“Nova Secret of Noah’s Ark”). It would not be unlikely if these floods are what inspired the stories of worldwide

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