The Great Gatsby Materialism Essay

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The problem is that the American Dream has its downfalls and its strengths, as Fitzgerald describes Gatsby’s dream becoming corrupt, preventing him from attaining it. The issue of materialism is important because it motivates Gatsby’s desire for money and other things, but never guarantees happiness “Materialism from the American dream does not guarantee happiness”. This essay will illustrate arguments with meanings between the American Dream and The Great Gatsby that will describe an allegory between fiction and reality. It will then demonstrate the relationships between the lessons of the American dream and Gatsby. The American dream is an important time in our lives that describes freedom of rights and equality. Gatsby’s embodiment of the American dream reveals the beginning of being born poor until he rose to success when his social status and wealth went up. Fitzgerald illustrates why the materialism of the American dream doesn’t guarantee happiness. The American Dream is an ideal that any person in America can be happy regardless of hard work and determination. The disadvantages rely on George and Gatsby at the end of their destruction of the American dream. Fitzgerald reveals the self-destruction …show more content…

The American Dream in Gatsby reveals that money cannot buy the characters’ love, even the richest characters can’t ever buy happiness, it must come from their heart and soul “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”. Gatsby becomes so infatuated with his wealth that he loses sight of his dream as the American Dream fails, he becomes blind to both money and loves to pursue his dreams with his love for Daisy. Fitzgerald argues that the materialism of the American Dream does not pursue happiness and is the main source of the downfall, distorted reality of society “Lover, gold-hatted, high bouncing lover, I must have