The Great Gatsby Mood Essay

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Fitzgerald’s work in writing the Great Gatsby warrants extraditionary literary quality as to how elegantly he materializes words into elaborate scenes. The first direct confrontation with the famed parties of Gatsby appear written so immersively as to envelop the mood of the text to let Nick know that “the party has begun” (Fitzgerald 45). The mood grows so immersive as to allow the continual visualization of “the lights [growing] brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun and [how] now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music and the opera of voices pitches a key higher” (Fitzgerald 44). Fitzgerald words the descriptions in such a way that Nick’s surroundings appear as a coherent living party which combines all those specific, …show more content…

The heaviness used in describing the tangibility of the air illuminates the suffocating atmosphere of the scene to which Daisy, Jordan, and Nick are forced to endure. Besides for this line and a few others of description, the scene consists primarily of dialogue which only further attests to how Fitzgerald creates an uncomfortable atmosphere while using such little detail as well as addressing this aura indirectly as to envelop the reader to make their own conclusions. In presenting the story and plot points, Fitzgerald also employs ambiguity to enhance the narrative. The selection of detail and mystery of the novel is one of its particular merits. Instead of Nick meeting directly with Gatsby, Fitzgerald dispels many rumours around the man to build mystery and mold expectations. The character of Gatsby carries the weight of “[killing] a man,” being “a German spy during the war,” or contraily being “in the American army” up through the point when Nick formally meets him, yet further revelations about him take multiple chapters to develop and this further builds the aura of