The Great Gatsby Research Paper

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TaiJah McGowan Sura Villalta Gatsby Argumentative Essay 06 March 2024. The Complex Nature of Gatsby's Feelings. F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby" delves into the intricate and often convoluted realm of human emotions, particularly in the context of Jay Gatsby's feelings for Daisy Buchanan. The question of whether Gatsby's feelings for Daisy can be categorized as love, obsession, affection, or accumulation/objectification brings to light the complexities of human desires and relationships. The novel provides an insightful exploration of the multifaceted nature of love and its entanglement with wealth, status, and the human psyche. Gatsby's feelings for Daisy exhibit characteristics of both love and obsession. Throughout the novel, Gatsby's unwavering adoration for Daisy is evident through his relentless pursuit of her, even across years of separation. His idealized perception of Daisy, rooted in a romanticized memory of their past, reflects a profound emotional attachment. However, Gatsby's obsession with Daisy goes beyond conventional expressions of love, as he becomes consumed by the idea of possessing her as a symbol of his own success and validation. Fitzgerald's portrayal of Gatsby's complex emotional state underscores the blurred lines between love and obsession, highlighting the intricacies of human relationships in the …show more content…

Gatsby's enigmatic persona, rooted in his mysterious past and morally ambiguous actions, complicates the authenticity of his emotional attachments. His involvement in criminal activities and his persona as a self-made man cast doubt on the purity of his intentions and, by extension, his capability to truly love. Gatsby's flawed characteristics serve as an intrinsic barrier to experiencing and expressing love in its truest form, adding a layer of complexity to the interpretation of his feelings for