
The Great Gatsby Response

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The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby is a novel of the early 20th century written by the well-known writer Scott Fitzgerald. It is considered as the writer's masterpiece creation. Unlike the general idea of the age as being brimmed with progress and prosperity, Fitzgerald has an altogether different perspective. This concept is reflected through the novel.
The novel written in the first person narrative is told by Nick Carraway. It is reported sometime after 1922 when all the mentioned incidents had already happened. The story solely revolves around central character Jay Gatsby and his love for Daisy. It begins with the narrator's arrival at the West Egg as a neighbor near the monstrous Gothic mansion owned by Gatsby. Eventually the man befriends …show more content…

The narrator also comes to know that both Gatsby and Daisy have known each other and were in love before she was married. Gatsby has come from rags to riches to win her love back and offer her an extravagant life as she desires. He built his mansion in the West Egg dock such that he could see the green light from Daisy's East Egg dock. Many times the narrator witnesses Gatsby reaching out for this green light. For Gatsby the light symbolises Daisy and his ardent dream to reunite with her. In fact his large parties were intended only for her. Gatsby hopes that Daisy would come to one of his parties and he could see a glimpse a of her. However she never …show more content…

What he has for her is not love rather an obsession that haunts him throughout his life. Gatsby cannot move forward in life because he constantly tries to relive his past with Daisy. He forgets that time has changed and so did she. The Daisy whom he saw five years ago is not the same person he sees now. She has become a wife and a mother. However Gatsby is not ready to accept the facts and sees her as the same young carefree girl whom he had fallen in love with.
Gatsby’s obsessive love for Daisy can be related with the green light seen from her dock. The man had built a huge mansion in West Egg just opposite to Daisy's house in East Egg across the waters such that the green light from her dock is visible from his lawn. For Gatsby this light represents his beloved Daisy. He would stand there contemplating on this light with an outstretched arm.
“…he stretched out his arm toward the dark water in a curious way… I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward - and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a

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