The Great Gatsby Response Essay

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Sup Mrs. Rust,

Over the past 18 weeks, we have gone through a huge variety of texts and literature. We also have been answering some essential questions. A great one is “What is the relationship between change and the future?” Now I think they both influence each other pretty well. Humans affect their future in some sort of way most of the time. If we ever had a lot of change in the past it can make us more weary of the future. A great example of this is The Great Gatsby. Daisy Buchanan has had a lot of changes in her life. When Gatsby came back into her life it changed things for the worst. She didn't want change, she didn't want to put her future in jeopardy. She wanted her future to be bright with lots of money and security. So if she allowed Gatsby to change her life it would tear down her “perfect” assignment. There is such a thing as a butterfly effect. It's when one change in your life affects your whole future. Change can be good or bad depending on how bright or dark your future already is. Any change you let in your life will affect your future. That's why you must be careful …show more content…

It's been mediocre. At the start of the semester, I wasn't turning stuff in and missing so many days. By the end though I feel I've gotten 80% caught up and I've been showing up to school on time and showing up for lessons. I've been good at coming to school so these last 3 weeks have been hard for me, but I've been doing it and I feel a lot more confident and productive. My proudest moment is probably our fiction reading assignments or our final four. It has always been hard for me to finish books and when I finally did (ON TIME) I was very proud of myself. With the reading spreads Sarah Everly-Mossbarger - Q4 DWNB - 4458824 (Slide 6)and the final trailer for my book, I feel very accomplished and I'm happy with how they turned out. They are all up to my standards and It feels good turning in something I like and am proud

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