The Great Prison Analysis

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The Great Prison Gerard allowed the group to rest for one last day while he made the preparations to head back to (Aston). Tsilah had never been there before and was eager to being the journey. After bidding farewell to her father the 3 left the Brigand's Claw hideout headed for home. They had enough food and basic supplies to last several days and enough zlatan coins to last for months. The trip home was about the same as all of the others except Khole was at a distance from them. Gerard and Tsilah spoke back and forth about his adventures and her mother. Gerard tried to get Khole to perk up but nothing seemed to work. One again they found themselves on the trade road heading back home. Gerard was used to this kind of journey but Khole was …show more content…

While he had been poor since his parents died his father was a very wealthy man. They owned a large home but due to his sisters sickness the money was used for doctors and other things. The house had a large front portch which now seated a large mob of people. The closer they got the more people they were able to make out. Then the midwife they had hired stepped out of the house. She was wearing a beautiful new dress that looked very expensive. She looked as though she had found the Brigand's treasures. Beside her was a tall lanky man wearing an imperial uniform but it was much nicer than the others. This Gerard said is Sverre. He appears to be a high member of the Imperial Counsil or maybe even the viceroy to the emperor. Just then they brought out Khole's sister on a medical bed. Gerard grabbed Khole so he could not run off to her. The imperial soldiers loaded her in an enclosed wagon and took her away towards the capital city. Khole fought Gerard but there was nothing he could do. Gerard told him if he wanted to save her they must remain unseen and blend in. Tsilah grabbed Khole's hand he tried to pull away tears flooding his now darkened green eyes. Let go he said but she held on tight. I will go with you to save her no