The Great Story Research Paper

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There is a theme in churches and among Christians that has been going on for quite sometime to hop and skip around the Bible. Even in our Sunday school classes we talk about Jesus one week and then jump to Noah the next.This causes us to lose site of the fact that the Bible is one large story, The Great Story to be exact. The Great Story reveals to us God’s divine plan, but the story does not merely end with Jesus or at the end of the Bible. Instead it continues on through History and through us. We have our part in God’s Great Story and all we need to do is discover where we fit in. As humans we are created in the image of God and because of that we have certain responsibilities that have been placed upon us (Gen. 1:27). We are not like God in our physical form, but it is our soul that reflects who He is. Our mental capability, our ability to make different choices, and our emotions are what makes us image bearers of Christ. I have always been a person that feels emotions very deeply and intensely. This clearly can cause dilemmas when I am upset or angry at someone, but by utilizing …show more content…

People of the Bible all faced seemingly hopeless situations. In fact not one of them walked faithfully with God without first facing a hopeless situation. He takes our brokenness and our challenges and uses them to connect us with others. God has already taken my personal difficulties and used them so I was able to connect with people. I was able to extend to them compassion because I understood where they came from. My past gave me the experience to come alongside others and support them and I believe God will continue to bring people into my life to show compassion to and extend God’s love to them. I do not believe God has some massive plan for me to be famous or rich. Instead I believe that I fit into God’s story by doing everything to make a difference in the lives of those around