The Green Girl Poem

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The connections sketched here between transformation and the affects in a First Peoples literary context gain vibrancy and depth in green girl dreams Mountains. The poetic narrative of transformation in "City View" functions as a model for how to participate in an Aboriginal text; it demonstrates how empathy and affective involvement can "transform" writers and readers into story characters, as Eigenbrod puts it. Other poems in the collection indicate that Dumont has sought this sort of storytelling transformation and that, with various formal strategies, she has made possible a similar transformation in others. Active participation in story prepares Dumont and her readers to inhabit and truly experience the other significant transformation in green girl, the transformation of the speaker’s emotions. As the speaker moves from shame to confidence, from longing to love and contentment, so too may the writer and readers find "a lot of shame" "exorcis[ed]" from their hearts and lives. In the ten poems of green girl’s "City View" section, all but one titled with the name of a downtown Vancouver street or intersection, the speaker is positioned on the bus, in a café, or otherwise near enough to present specific impressions of the downtown core, particularly of the poor and homeless people who populate it. In the beginning of the section, especially in the second poem, "Powell," the speaker finds herself an outside observer of the city and its inhabitants, uninvolved and unaffected