The Growth Of Egan In Brian Falkner's Shooting Stars

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Egan grew so much through the novel Shooting Stars. At the beginning he was very innocent and unaware of all he didn’t know. In some ways this made him confident but it also made him naive. He had no experience in the outside world but that changed very quickly. Egan was put in many difficult situations where he learnt a lot while sticking to his morals. Brian Falkner has done an excellent job of showing young Egans growth throughout this book. There are 3 specific moments where Egan grew in independence, experience, and loyalty that I will be writing about.

In the start of the novel Egan was very innocent. He had spent his whole life living in the bush with only his mother, and had little knowledge of the world. He wasn’t very independent as he relied on his mother for survival. Something that changed Egan and made him more independent was him meeting JT. JT was the only person that Egan could socialise with and learn from other than his mother. Through meeting JT he learnt a lot about the outside world. JT became a role model for Egan, and made Egan want to be more independent, brave and knowledgeable just …show more content…

He was on his own for the first time in his life with the responsibility of finding his mother. Egan meets many new people, even some his age! Whilst Egan is living in the city he gains a lot of experience. He has to quickly learn how to live and survive in the city. On page 190 Egan says
“ There is a lot to learn when you live on the street. I guess there is a lot to learn when you live anywhere. ” “ There is a lot I have to learn about living in a city. But my crew has been helping me. ” Egan saying this shows that he not only recognizes how much he has learnt and how much he needs to learn but also that he is grateful to his new friends and all they have shown him. He is grateful for all the experience he has gained and ready to use that experience in later