The Happiest Refugee Book Review

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Sydney Tech 's English cirriculum is very diverse with books ranging from Shakespeare or how to kill a mockingbird. But it has come to my attention that it is missing something. The board of studies and the Engilsh faculty need the add The Happiest Refugee by Anh Do. Anh Do was a refugee who came to Australia in 1980 from a war torn Vietnam. He suffered in his time grow up in Australia with racial bullying, parental divorce and wealth problems. But he pushed through all of that to deliver his autobiography. It must be added to the board of studies as is entertaining to read about , it teaches us about Australian identity which is a topic in our school and gives us in depth writing/emotion about a poor man 's rise to success.

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For example "Bang! Bang! the patrol boat stated shooting at us, and the women on our boat screamed." They he wrote this quote displays imagery about bullets raining over your head and how terrifying that would be. The board of studies and English department need this book for the value on entertainment in learning.

The Happiest Refugee has and Anh Do has infused his fun loving personality to a serious life. To create a book that entertains and teaches. The raw emotion of his writing comes in view in the quote "There are only two times in life, there 's now and there 's too late." This was his life message as means that every day on earth should be seized. Anh Do truly understands this quote has wouldn 't have become one of Australia 's best comedians. The writing in The Happiest Refugee is above all inspirational so this book is necessary for the English circumlum.

This book needs to be added as it is about a topic studied in schools. Australian identity. The Happiest refugee has immigration, racial bullying and the need to become Australian. If an autobiography is about a major topic in English teaching then it should be included the the board of studies as a interesting alternative to normal teaching of Australian