
The Happiness Of People In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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“Stuff your eyes with wonder, he said, live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.” (Ray Bradbury) Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury in 1953, is about a fireman, Guy Montag, living in an American city where firemen start fire instead of putting them out. In his city, people spend their days watching tv, not going outdoors, and they do not think independently. Then one day, Montag meets a girl, Clarisse McClellan. She opens Montag’s eyes to see the world is so much more than what their city is, but then uneventful things begin to occur that only sparks Montag’s curiosity. Bradbury’s main points was what true happiness is and the happiness of the people in the society and the similarities between our society and the society of Fahrenheit 451. The people in Fahrenheit 451's society are not happy. It shows how unhappy people are at the beginning of the book when Guy has to call the paramedics for his wife who overdosed on pills. When they arrive, he asks where the doctor is but they say that it happens all the time, showing that many people attempt to …show more content…

Due to our evolution and progress in social, cultural, economic, and technological factors, as well as increasing human interconnection through social media, etc. We therefore can say that we as a community are happier with our current state than our ancestors before us. However the reading era has come and gone, many children as well as young adults opt out of this activity that is precedent to jobs, education, as well as a multitude of other situations. Fareed Zakaria, a famous CNN reporter and author, has written a book about this very circumstance we face, In Defense of Liberal Education that fights against the loss of

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