Influence Of Standardized Beauty On Women

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The Harm of the Standardized Beauty on Women
Every woman 's daily habit includes looking into the mirror while washing her teeth and combing her hair in the morning. The make-up is an undeniable necessity for the most modern working woman nowadays. After getting ready, if one is satisfied with her look, her day starts well, going confidently to work, but if her hair is messed up, because she forgot to wash it the other day, and she is in hurry, her day will rather be messed up, worrying if her colleagues will notice this small flaw of hers. The way we perceive ourselves forms our reality. According to Psychology Today, sexual attraction is determined by numerous factors; an example of them is the environmental factor which consists of a social …show more content…

As I already mentioned, the average citizen of the United States encounters 3000 advertisements every day, so the image that every young girl 's brain receive to be good-looking is just an idealized picture made up by the capitalist western media. According to CNN, every fourth citizen is depressed about their body. It is no wonder that capitalists created a fantastic image for the women to copy because by doing so they established the beauty industry. It is a million dollar industry, filling the pocket of a very few with so much money that one just cannot imagine. It does not only fill the pocket of that very few, but it is the thing which causes misery, anxiety and endless suffering for many women all around the globe. They are counting the calories like crazy, eating food which tastes like sand and looks the same just to decrease the number which they see on their scale every morning before going to work. By setting an ideal body weight for women, the selling of over-priced diet products goes up, which causes enormous profit for the producers. According to Healthy Place, these products create 33 billion Dollar big revenue …show more content…

In many countries the symbol of wealth and good-being of women was a curvy, healthy body figure, but after the American media entered with its fake ideals to India and China, eating disorders and dissatisfaction arrived with them. Now not only American and European women want to look like Barbie, but women who have a darker skin are ashamed of it, many of them are even trying to bleach their skin. Despite the fact, that now social media can help the woman to form their image of themselves, as it can be edited by anyone, not just the heads of marketing companies, like the billboard, it is still hard to fight the forces of the mainstream media. According to Mic, Elena Rossini traveled through many continents to explore how the ideals of western media affected countries from North-America, through Europe to Asia. What she experienced was definitely shocking. Japan was one from the above-mentioned countries, which traditionally valued curvy figures, meanwhile almost every third women in their twenties in Japan can now be considered