The Heart To God In Shakespeare's Macbeth

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The Bible was written in three different languages on five different continents and the most copied book written of all time. The Bible contains 66 books written by 40 authors about both groups of people and individuals. Some individuals were notorious for being evil, wicked people and some were acknowledged for having hearts out for God. One man who was evil and wicked actually turned his heart to God and became one of the most prominent evangelists of all time. This man’s name was Paul. Paul persecuted many Christians throughout his early adult life. Eventually, Paul surrendered his life to God and is credited with writing thirteen books in the New Testament, including one of the most famous books ever written, Romans. Paul’s testimony is a tremendous story of how God can turn a wicked person in to a great role model and leader. This is the quite opposite story in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, however, as the main character Macbeth was a glorified warrior and battle hero. Eventually, Macbeth became king, began a descent in to madness, and unknowingly planned his own murder. All of this was done because Macbeth loved his wife, Lady Macbeth, and through supernatural prophecies given by Three Witches. The Three Witches laid the foundation and set the tone and theme of the entire play in the very beginning of the play. They do this by declaring “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” (Shakespeare, Act I, Scene I). That statement implied the whole play would be the opposite of what is