The Hero In Homer's Odyssey

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Through the ages, grandiose tales of monsters and heroes have been told and retold either by oral tradition or written for future generations to learn from those who have come before them. To the Greek culture, these stories represent what it means to be a man, a patriarch, and the hero that can accomplish anything with a little help from the gods. In both, the Odyssey and Medea, the heroes have accomplished extraordinary feats that sets them on a path to a better future, not just for them, but for their children as well. In Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus has taken a long journey to come home to his Greek wife, in contrast, in Euripides’ Medea, Jason takes a journey with his Colchian wife to settle in a new home in Greece. In the end, Odysseus is able to accomplish great feats of bravery and enjoy the remainder of his life, but Jason fails at his attempt to forge a life beyond his great feats of bravery. Although many reasons can be presented for Jason’s failure, where Odysseus gallantly …show more content…

Her land is Colchis, which is a barbarian land across the Black Sea, “…ruled by the savage king Aeetes,” (Euripides 526) who was Medea’s father. Jason when disputing with Medea, reminds her that he is the one that took her away from an un-civilized world, “you live in Hellas now instead of your barbarian land.” (Euripides 542) Because of Jason, Medea was notorious in Athens, “…every single person knows you…you’re famous.” If she had stayed in her land, there was no chance that anyone of importance would had ever known who she was. On the other hand, Penelope, Odysseus wife was the “wise daughter of Icarus” (Homer 186) she was known throughout the Greek world for her beauty and wisdom, without the need of Odysseus. Although both, Jason’s and Odysseus wives were virtuous and beautiful, Penelope had an advantage over Medea, she was a