The Heroic Hero In Homer's The Odyssey

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Being brave in such hellacious situation and being auspicious at any cost is difficult yet a warrior should possess this kind of emblem. However the epic story entitled, the Odyssey portrayed this kind of character. It is an epic voyage or journey. But the word itself should need to be elaborate or must be broadly comprehended. The epic focuses on the Odysseus journey returning to his homeland. In Greek it is called nostos which means homeward. The Greeks would already know because of the richness of their oral mythical tradition. Similar to Homer’s other epic namely, the Illiad. This epic also begins in the middle of things. Starting from Odysseus wanderings. This kind of representation achieves several objectives.
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Because there were scenes in the story that can be observe in the present. Although we might say that it is an epic , and an epic is just a long narrative story about the heroic act of an individual that possesses a supernatural abilities , yet there are also genuine values that can change or give a big impact to someone’s life and turn into a better one . When we truly digest the sense that a piece could offer we can be called a better reader. Why we should consider these things, where in fact we are just supposed to read it not putting so much effort in internalizing it. Let’s cite an example, try to think of something that you really want to have, will you just keep staring , and just wait for the right timing without even trying to get it with your own effort ? If that is your way of thinking things well you need to change it and replace it with an effectual and helpful principle.
It is also important to know the representation of women and even the men .Because recognizing the value of the gender involved in the work. There must also a realization on how was the relation between men and women presented in the story. Though this we may able to find the answers to the questions that comes to our mind that will leads us to a clearer way of understanding .We may also to identify the distinctions between the characters. We can establish