The Heroic Hero Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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I think Odysseus is heroic because of his characteristics that he has. One of the reasons I find him heroic is his intelligence. He uses his intelligence to get out of sticky situations. Just like when him and his shipmates got stuck inside the Cyclops's cave. He used his intelligence to figure out a way to get him and his shipmates out of the cave. Another reason I find him heroic is his courage. He is very courageous because he’s faced a lot of obstacles during his journey that could’ve kept him from coming home. Another reason I find him heroic is he values other people’s culture and does not disrespect them. Just like when he went to the underworld, he brought a black sheep as a gift to demonstrate his culture. He’s also heroic because he never gives up. Even in the toughest situation, he never gives up and he keeps going just so …show more content…

In my opinion, I think one of his bad characteristic is that he is untrustworthy. I find him untrustworthy because he went and had sex with another woman and in all honesty, I think he could have stopped her from doing anything to him. Even though he cheated (or at least I think so), he still thinks of his wife. No woman matters to him but, his wife. This tells me that even if he were to marry someone else, it wouldn’t mean anything to him because he loves his wife and he would rather have his wife than any other woman. In conclusion, I think Odysseus is heroic because of his intelligence, courage, his value to other cultures, and his confidence. Not only does his good characteristics show but, his bad characteristics show like how he is way too confident. I think it is okay that he has bad characteristics because it shows that sometimes he makes mistakes too and it’s okay to make mistakes as long as we fix them. Even though Odysseus makes mistakes, I still find him heroic because I think that his good characteristics show more than his bad