The Hero's Archetype In The Hobbit

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J.R.R Tolkien uses the Hero’s archetype to give details about the character of Bilbo Baggins by characterizing him during this stage. During this stage, Bilbo Baggins is described as a brave and bold hobbit. Page 157-173 of the book displays Bilbo’s brave actions while he follows the elvenking and rescues the dwarves. In this situation, we can see that Bilbo decided to take a chance and save the dwarves.When faced with a death situation, most hobbits would hide in fear. Instead, Bilbo took it as a challenge for him to develop into his full potential.The Hero’s archetype provides characteristics for the hero that J.R.R. Tolkien created. In short, the Hero’s archetype provides a base for developing characters that great writers have used for

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