The Hidden Face Of Globalization Essay

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The one-hundred-degree, dirty, dust-filled factory room is filled with sickness and exhaustion. It is hour twenty of the work shift, and sleep-deprived employees find three or four hours of rest on the filthy factory floor before they are forced to begin again. During that time, if they fail to meet their quota, ask for a break, or demand that their scarce pay be given to them on time, the workers are assaulted, fired, or imprisoned by supervisors (“The Hidden Face of Globalization”) This Bangladesh factory is filled with young women, working for a multinational corporation headquartered in a World Power that helped establish the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Among these rights, is Article twenty-four declaring that “everyone has a right to rest and leisure” in addition to an appropriate number of days off for holidays and leave (“Universal Declaration of Human Rights”). With two days off a month, and up to 107 work hours per week according to the documentary, “The Hidden Face of Globalization,” it is painfully clear that these conditions are not being met. Exhaustion, illness, and a lack of …show more content…

Instead men, but most women, are expected to work from teenage years until well into adulthood. The consequences of this have devastating effects. The documentary, The Hidden Face of Globalization describes how exhausted and ill female employees are because of their work schedule and how “families are collapsing” and children are left at home to fend for themselves. Some workers never reach adulthood due to the high amounts of factory fires in the country. During the especially infamous collapse of the Rana Plaza in 2013, 1,100 workers died including children brought to work by their parents (Bartley 147). They will never know a life with any aspect of rest or leisure, nor the employees who survived and ordered back to work the next