Holy Spirit Analysis

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“Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing, we are as ships without wind, we are useless” (C.H. Spurgeon)
Reading an article on the study of the Holy Spirit by Edwin Palmer, gave me much more insight about the Holy Spirit and answered so many questions that I have struggled with in the past, by explaining who and what this spirit is and where it came from.
There are three questions that will be answered in this paper by reflecting back on the article.
1) What is the question being addressed in this article?
2) What is the process of Theology that has been followed? How is it Systematic Theology? 3) What value does the article have for Christian ministry, and life in general?
Systematic theology:

Before we can compare …show more content…

2). To my understanding they believe that the Father, son and the Holy Spirit are three separate things and that the Holy Spirit is a sort of behavior that you develop. In historical times people believed that the Holy Spirit was separated from the Father and the Son. They believed that the God was the Father at one point in time and then the Son in another point in time and then the Holy Spirit in a different point in time.
Some if not all people wonder where the Holy Spirit came from. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all one God, but they are not all the same. They all have an individual personal property and relationship to each other. The Bible does not say that the Holy Spirit was begotten by the Father and not that He was begotten by Christ. If begotten were to be used, it would have meant that the Spirit would have been a brother of Christ or the grandson of the Father (Palmer; pg. 6). John 15: 26 Jesus says “The spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father”. What is the process of Theology that has been followed? How is it Systematic …show more content…

He backed up his research by using verses in the Bible and not by applying just his own thoughts. He also had to have knowledge of God and God’s creation to be able to get a better understanding of what the Holy Spirit is and why he is there. What value does the article have for Christian ministry, and life in general?

Palmer explains that we should be thankful for the Spirit being a person as He saves us from our sin and He also leads us to God. If there were no Holy Spirit, no God, then we would never have seen His beautiful creation. We would never have the authority to overcome certain situations and there would not be any convincing motivation and guidance. Revelations in people happen because of the Holy Spirit (Palmer; pg. 3).
This article is relevant to the Church and to people outside of the Church, because so many think of the Holy Spirit as just a thing floating around you and not doing anything. We as Christians should know why the Holy Spirit is living within us and what a beautiful gift is was from Jesus to give a piece of Himself to us, to live in us and to guide us.