The House On Mango Street Chapter 1 Summary

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Emilio Maes LA10 12-7-17 6th Hour The House On Mango Street Summary It starts out with Esperanza the main character tell ing us a little bit of info. She say that her and her family have lived at different places, and that before Mango Street it was Keeler. She lived with her family of six including her mom, dad, two brothers, and her sister Nenny. She always lived in apartments before, and her family had a house they dreamed of. However, the house on Mango Street was far from what they had imagined. Her first friend on mango was Cathy, who moved away the following week. She then made her two new friends Rachel and Lucy who are sisters. The three of them along with Nenny hang out around the neighborhood. Nenny and Esperanza go to a junk