
The Hunger Games Dystopian Essay

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The Hunger games written by Susan Collins was a novel that had a heavy influence to our generation. The story shows various dystopian elements that give the characters challenging situations. For starters each district is given a particular job that is only available in that certain district. For example district one has jewels and mining, district four is the seaport district, district seven is lumber and each number up until 12 is appointed a responsibility. District 12 being coal mining is very poor and suffers from starvation daily. The bureaucratic government uses starvation and tessera to control the society. Terrera is when you're given a year's supply of grain and oil for one person if you put your name in the raffle for the Hunger …show more content…

Her and her family live in a dirty home with minimal amounts of food and had a very hard time making money. Katniss talks about her life at home and Collins writes, “But the money ran out and we were slowly starving to death. There’s no other way to put it.” Katniss speaks about the constant fear that rests on her shoulders daily. She always has to worry about feeding her sister prim and her mother. The responsibility that Katniss endures everyday consumes her. This is relevant for many other character as well, that face the daily hardships. Citizens worry about tessera and if they will be able to put their name in the ballot for a supply of grain and oil. Many characters ask themselves if it is really worth it. They suffer with the thought of the Hunger Games nearing and they lives at stake. Even if one goes all year without taking out a tessera and suffers immensely they still have a chance of getting chosen. This is the easiest way to control the districts. Have them live in a dehumanizing state and starve until their bones show just because the government said so is one of the soul dystopian elements. Their method of control is what ultimately keeps them in order and cooperative because they know if they defy anything the capitol says they will either be killed or starved to death. There is nothing more dehumanizing than starving

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