The Hunt Movie Analysis

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Movie Review – The Hunt The hunt; although the title may suggest that it’s a scheduled chase of some person or animal the movie in fact is far away from that. Released in the year 2012 which was loaded with mega budget –Avengers, The Amazing Spiderman 2 , The hunger Games and Skyfall to name a few- blockbuster movies, It really needed something special to lure the attention of the audience to spend their time in the genre of drama and I must say director Thomas Vinterberg has done a brilliant job in achieving that. The story though powerful is fairly simple and revolves around Lucas played by Mads Mikkelsen who has been falsely accused of sexual harassment by a girl – Klara of the school he works for. Lucas is shown as a decent caring man …show more content…

He has done a remarkable job in lifting a straightforward character and bringing it to the intensity it attains as the movie rolls. The story after going through the introductory phase of every character takes a vivid turn. In fact If I hadn’t watch the trailer or heard about the movie I don’t think I would have guessed such a twist considering the introduction of Lucas. Klara after confessing to her teacher in a rather unclear almost confused sort of way that she has seen the ’nether regions’ of Lucas is where the movie kick starts with a new vibe and begins to justify its genre and from here on as an audience one can slowly feel the story gripping his or her attention . After this event of confession by Klara Lucas’s life starts to change slowly maintaining the already set tempo of the movie. The news spreads and as you can expect the entire town turns against Lucas-ignoring him, not allowing him to buy from shops, throwing stones at his house etcetera- including his best friend Theo (Thomas Bo Larsen) who firmly believes that his daughter is not lying but later we find out that his judgment was purely emotional. Amid all this the director slowly inserts the character of Nadja(Alexandra Rapaport)-which according to me is superfluous- who starts dating Lucas, keeping the story fresh and engaging the audience to an even field before raising the theme to its

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