The Idea Of The Before And After Of A Tornado

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A tornado is a natural whirlwind caused by hot air trying to rise, and cold air trying to sink. The end result is a destructive whirlwind capable of wind speeds up to 205 miles per hour, and lasting over 1 hour. The idea of this essay is to show the before and after of a tornado. So we will begin.

Firstly, tornadoes are a destructive force that could demolish a town, but what are the causes of these tornadoes? As I’ve explained in the first paragraph tornadoes are caused by hot air rising and cold air sinking. A weak tornado is a tornado that lasts for ten minutes with a wind speed of 100 miles per hour. A strong tornado is a tornado that lasts for 20 minutes with a wind speed of 205 miles per hour. A violent tornado is a tornado

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