The Impact Of John Green's Impact On American Culture

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The Impact of John Green on American Culture As author John Green once shared, “What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”. John Green is recognized by many as the “most popular new teen novelist since Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling”. Through the years, Green has written many popular young adult/teen novels, five of them making The New York Times best sellers list. He not only shares through his writing, but also through media, being an internet sensation on YouTube along with his brother. Their YouTube channel “Vlogbrothers,” has brought Green’s popularity up substantially on multiple other media sites helping him share his thoughts and beliefs. His novels put some of his real life challenges into a story, making them relatable to a large amount of his young adult followers. He has been able to put his experiences dealing with mental health into fictional stories, making them not only educational but also entertaining. Many young people look to Green’s novels as a sense of support to help them get through difficulties and struggles in everyday life. His works have gained such a large following that multiple of them have been turned into movies that have been extremely successful as well. Green still continues to create works of literature and post on various social media sites, leading to his popularity rising day by day. He has used his substantial following to create an outlet for young adults to go to when they are in