The Impact Of The Bubonic Plague In China

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Can you believe that a single tiny pathogen could lead to the death of millions of people throughout the course of China’s history? Well in China, there have been many of these cases, and in fact, there will be one that will cause the fall of your dynasty. With what we know, there have been 37 major epidemics in China from the unification of ancient China to 2015, and most of them originated from China. Of all these devastating epidemics, I believe there was one in China that had a bigger impact than any of the others. I believe that the bubonic plague had the biggest affect on China because not only did it kill millions of your people, but it also affected your economy in a drastic way. On top of natural disasters and problems in government, …show more content…

However, during the your dynasty there was many problems occurring throughout the last forty years, and these included earthquakes, wars, rebellions, and to top it all off the bubonic plague. To begin with, there were several earthquakes and floods throughout the last years of the dynasty, and they were devastating and powerful. The first major earthquake was in 1556 which killed almost a million people in that time frame, and was an estimated eight on the Richter scale! There were also ones to follow that, and there were several during the 1600s which were usually around a seven on the Richter scale. The flooding of the yellow river also was a problem for farmers of China because it killed many crops they tried growing. In addition, an emperor that committed suicide, and this caused many issues with the government to decide who will be the next emperor. This issue caused many rebellions, and the government started to lose more and more money, and the emperor issue was a problem throughout the last decades. However, the problem that I believe to cause the most effect to the end of the dynasty was the bubonic plague. The bubonic plague was the major cause of the downfall of the Ming dynasty because it was the last major devastation of the dynasty, and it was something that …show more content…

The bubonic plague spreads by going from an infected animal, usually a flea or rodent, to another animal, however over the course of time it learned to spread from person to person. This was a major problem in the Ming dynasty because of the amount of population. At the time, China was the most densely populated region, and in some parts it was so populated that it spread to more people quickly. We don’t know the exact number, but we do know that it killed more than 60 percent of China’s population, and in some areas even 90 percent. A way to stop the spread of the epidemic is to move the population so that there is an even amount of people in all areas. This will prevent the number of people that die from the epidemic since it will decrease the speed at which it spreads. If people decide to live in densely populated areas, everyone there would be exposed of the disease, and it would spread rapidly. You can instead have a rule that limits the amount of people within an area. Finally, you can gain money for health care by limiting the investment in other categories. Now that you know that a pathogen caused the death of your people and it wasn’t Buddha, you can conserve your money towards religion, and put it towards health care. Ultimately, the bubonic plague evolved to spread from person to

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