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Qing dynasty introduction
The fall of qing dynasty
The ming and qing dynasties holt world history
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Wu Ti expanded the Chinese territory which brought peace and prospered. Their bureaucracy had many different parts and if someone died, they would’ve just plugged in someone else in their place. People who wanted to be a bureaucrat had to take the civil service exam,
The fall of Classical Rome and Han China had both similar reasons and different reasons for their downfall. Rome collapsed from the inside and was invaded a lot. Han China also collapsed from the inside because of lack of money. They were also invaded frequently.
The Ming brought back the civil service exam instead of the synthesized version the Mongols were using. The Mongols tried to give the appearance that everything was the same as previous Chinese dynasties when in reality they had only foreign officials ruling the government. The result of bringing back Confucianism as the leading government philosophy brought back the civil service exam and meritocracy. The Ming did this to return China back to its previous glory and they thought the best way to do this was by building on its foundations.
During this period of time the Ming and the Han were able to improve their way of having a government. The Ming were able to solve this problem by not having the government add harsh and strict rules, this also improved by showing compassion towards their citizens, they also split their government into functional sections in order to help them prosper. And due to having other new governments they were able to use some of their ideas like making the ships and boats move a lot faster than usual. But for the Han government was able to prosper by establishing a new political system, they also followed the ideas of Confucianism by believing that their ruler was a father over them and they should not be lead by force. The government officials were told to be honest.
During the era of classical societies, the Han and Roman empires were two vast cosmopolitan societies which dominated regions all throughout Eurasia. In regards to the fall of the Han and Roman empires, both were similar in that they fell victim to internal government decay, but different in that Rome fell to foreign invasions, while Han suffered from rebellions of their own people. The Han and Roman empires were similar in their fall in that they both suffered from internal decay, specifically of their governments. In the Han empire, land distribution problems that were originally sought to be fixed by the “Socialist emperor” Wang Mang allowed large landowners to become even more influential than they previously were.
It says in TCI that the Han made improvements on the Chinese governments and they softened the harsh rules and brought back Confucianism into that government. It says in the text “The government of China during this time functioned as a bureaucracy. A bureaucracy is a large organization that operates using a fixed set of rules and conditions.” this shows that the government changed because of the Hans and for that better, with a bureaucracy it was strong and effective. During this time it says in the text that “They had many responsibilities, including overseeing the maintenance of roads and canals.”
Perhaps the two most important civilizations, Rome and Han China both fell due to major similarities. At the same time, Rome and Han China fell due to distinct differences as well. Furthermore, the collapse of China and Rome had far more similarities rather than differences. During 200 and 600 BCE both classical civilizations suffered from outside invasions; growing from Central Asia. They were not as sweeping as earlier Indo-European growth but tested Rome and China severely.
Key things that helped the Manchurian people take over Beijing was death and disaster from the Bubonic Plague, earthquakes, and climate changes. The Qing dynasty, just like the Ming, had issues from natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes. This caused their forces to be impacted and allowed for extended wars to take even more of their troops. In conclusion, The Ming and the Qing dynasties were the las two dynasties of China.
“Our Scars Tell the Stories of Our Lives” by Dana Jennings is an autobiographical story about Jennings scar and how they came to be. Jennings is telling the story in the first person. Jennings used quite a bit of description to describe some of the scars that he mentioned in his story. Throughout the story, Jennings is personal connecting us with the scar. Since most people through their childhood get scratches and bump, Jennings used that to connect to his readers.
As China grew with population and technologies, so did their government. Their military was weak but they had the idea to make iron and steel weaponry. The increase of weapons allowed the Chinese military to have more power over the people. Yet, the downfall of their era was their tactics in controlling their army and the rebellious citizens. As China’s economy and population grows, so does the growth of politics and Urban life styles.
The Han Dynasty in China and the Roman Empire shared many similarities and differences when it came to political rule and the nature of their political authority. The most significant difference between the two is how the Han dynasty enacted policies that were shaped to counter the wrongdoings of the previous Qin dynasty, whereas the Roman Empire enacted policies shaped to create and promote peace and stability. The difference in the two empire’s coming to power was to account for their variance in political rule. After the Qin dynasty, the Han ruled China for four centuries, enacting numerous political changes and governing one of the most efficacious dynasties in Chinese history.
Ming China and Mughal India were two great empires in the period of the 1600s. Both had cultural and technological advancements. And both were very different,yet both declined due to their political vulnerability which left them completely open to invasions by other countries. Their Government and society was very different. In both empires women were treated inferior.
Economic, political, both domestic and international, social and cultural factors all had various levels of impact and repercussions on the Qing regime, with chapters also dedicated to the formation and organisation of the Qing government, giving the reader context to the period. He traces the changes and continuity in these themes and argues against the orthodox interpretation of Qing history that the watershed in the Qing dynasty was the 1839-1842 First opium war and the resulting Treaty of Nanking. Instead, he argues that when the Western powers first came to assert their influence and dominance over the Qing, the Qing was already poorly equipped with the means of dealing with them and the Western powers, and later, Japan, simply proved too much for the Qing to handle. One specific reason behind this argument is the relationship between the Qing government and the people. Rowe explains the Qing approach to governing its huge empire as an attempt to conduct “government on the cheap”, referring to their principles of benevolent rule inclusive of light taxes and minimal direct involvement in local society, a pseudo laissez faire model through under governed China.
Since the start of the Qing Dynasty in 1644, the anti-Qing rebellions had never stopped, but all of them failed and Qing Empire continued its ruling in China until 20th century. However, in 1911, the poorly-prepared uprising in Wuchang ended the empire rapidly. This could be explained by the collapse of the traditional political structure without successfully establishing the constitutional structure. The traditional structure was that the imperial court appointed and supervised the regional governors, who were responsible for all the matters within the region.
1587: The Year of No Significance Précis Ray Huang contends, in 1587: The Year of No Significance, that the year of 1587 of the Ming Dynasty is significant for linking the past history of China and the future events of it (Huang 1). Huang exemplifies the importance of how the many failures of adapting and innovating by members of the government were led up to and realized in this year, along with their future effects on China (221). Altogether, Huang advocates for the noteworthiness of 1587 as a connecting point of Chinese history.