
The Imperial Presidency: An Analysis

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With this assignment, I intend to demonstrate that I have not only read the text, but that I have made reflections on and analyzed the relationship between congress, the President, and the people of this country and the impacts that these changes have had on our current presidency as well as the country as a whole. In order to analyze any form of our current presidency and the strained relationships and constant power struggles that are quite apparent between the presidency, the senate and congress we must first look at the U.S Constitution as a whole. What was the intent of the constitution? Was it purposefully written to implicitly give or deny certain powers to those placed into power? Was it for the benefit or the protection of the people? In simple yes, to all of the aforementioned questions. The Framers …show more content…

Schlesinger Jr. The author, it should be noted, once wrote an article explaining how George McGovern would win the 1972 election. But he is also a distinguished Harvard historian who has won two Pulitzer prizes for books on the presidency (The Age of Jackson, 1946; John F. Kennedy, A Thousand Days, 1966). Schlesinger does not take Richard Nixon's usurpations of congressional power lightly. His account of how the Nixon White House systematically used intimidation, impoundment of funds, secrecy and thin, though sinister invocations of "national security" and presidential prerogative to change the balance of constitutional power in the U.S. is the most deadly and lucid yet seen in print. At the end of the book Schlesinger urges

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