The Importance Of Behaviorism In Education

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Learning is acquisition of knowledge or ability through study or experience. Different people used different techniques to learn. So behaviorism is also a technique can be used to learn.
Behaviorism operates on principle of stimulus – response. It assume that learners are passive so they are responding external stimuli. Learners focus attention on what is observed. It concerned more on behavior than thinking. The behaviorism originated by American psychologist John B.
Watson. Watson 's effort was based on the experiments of Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov, and classical conditioning. Nowadays, behaviorism is associated with the name of B.F. Skinner, Who developed the of “operant conditioning “
In classical conditioning is leaning to make reflex / response evoked by stimulus. Classical conditioning concept include unconditional stimulus, unconditional response, conditional stimulus and conditional response. Pavlov used the dog to do that experiment. He associated ringing bell with the food. So teacher can use theory in the classroom. Teachers can use this theory, when they are teaching. Which help to minimize the misbehavior and help to increase the behavior in the classroom. For an example, Student who were new in the class, he/she don’t know the classroom rules. When teacher enter the classroom, teacher would not get any response from that particular student. Therefore, teacher gave the instruction and explained the classroom rules with the help of