The Importance Of Censorship

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Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.‘’ - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19

Even though censorship is seen as an invasion of privacy it’s still needed
( in small doses ) to keep everyone in check.
Censorship can be used in different ways and at different levels of intensity and even though censorship being used on the people for the government 's own ideal agenda in a way is it’s own sign of a dictator’s loophole in the democratic world I also know that we are not as limited in developed countries compared to countries similar to ; China , Saudi Arabia and so forth that don’t have the resources to claim any opinions as their own and at some extreme points even have some online newspapers that are banned because of their ‘controversy’ like this chinese website; We have the freedom that is needed to not only go to find new information and seek knowledge but also to let ‘our’ creative ideas run and voices be heard and at the same time we as the people need some types of restriction because there are all kinds of distinct information that not only can mentally scar a person of any age group but also information that can be taken to commit certain crimes and harmful deeds because ;
‘’ Too much of anything is