Imagine a world where one person has all the power and you have to obey their every command; this is why we have a constitution to protect us from tyranny. After being under the dictatorial rule of Britain for seven years, the Colonies broke away and decided to create the Constitution to manage the government. This was an uber challenge for the delegates tasked with writing the Constitution—they wanted to create a strong government without having a despot. In multiple ways, the Constitution protects American citizens from tyranny. Tyranny is when one person or group has too much power.
Everyone has their own opinions on different topics. Some arguments may be more clear than others, but they exist. Some debates on arguments should end, but people always find a way to argue the other side. For example the argument on student debt has been going for a long time. To many, student debt should be eliminated, which makes sense in order to improve our economy.
Try to imagine life without the Constitution. Without the Constitution we eventually would end up with some form of tyranny. Within the Constitution there are sections to ensure all powers were equally distributed and that no one group or branch has too much power over the other. That section of the Constitution guards against tyranny. Tyranny is when a person or a group of people have absolute power.
On December 15, 1791 The United states took steps toward making The Bill of rights official. James Madison wrote the first ten amendments. This is just a document stating the rights of citizens. The bill grants rights such as: “freedom of religion, speech, and the press”. There are more things to name, but that was just to give you a general idea.
Civil Liberties are basic rights protected in the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and through Supreme Court rulings. Civil Rights ensure an individual to be treated fairly and equally from the likes of government and other individuals. Civil liberties and Rights are both similar in that they protect the individual of rights of people, allowing society to function in a successful and reasonable manner. Both are essential in the modern world today in order to protect individuals from unfair treatment. Though being very similar, Civil liberties and Rights do have their differences as well.
James Madison once said, “Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power” (Brainy Quote James Madison believed in Liberty, but what is liberty? According to, Liberty is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views ( James Madison demonstrated liberty by holding on to his belief of checks and balances. Checks and balances would protect the minority from the domination of the majority.
Not only is this a big deal and huge negative point for Immigrants, gay, black, mexican people ect. Don't forget that Trump does not give a damn about climate change. Which means that America will not have climatical justice under the name of Donald Trump, which not only effects America... But the whole world. Since that the new president of the United States only works for profit and greed for himself he will not be ashamed of harming the natural state of the enviroment and habitats of innocent animals.
The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments in the Constitution. In modern day, some of these amendments are considered to be out of date, or need to be improved. These amendments are used all the time in normal life, and in the evolution of America. The First Amendment states that we, as Americans, have freedom of speech.
Everyone has an opinion about someone or something. The First Amendment grants all United States citizens the freedom of personal speech and press. This allows people to form their thoughts and beliefs based on many opinions. And if you don’t agree with someone’s opinions
The first Amendment is arguably one of the most important. It always us to take part in many of our daily activities, like debating politics, praying or not praying, going to GSA (Gay Straight alliance) after school, work where we want, go to church, burn the flag, and post on facebook. The first amendment is a strong, confidence inducing, way to open the United States constitution. Before the United States declared independence from Great Britain, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and many, many others known as the “framers”, came together to form the document that would free Americans for years and years to come.
The media has become notorious for spreading rumors and butting into people’s lives. Your favorite magazines, your favorite news shows, the songs on the radio, they can say horrible things. This is because us, Americans. are promised rights in the Constitution. The Constitution is a document that acts as a base for our government.
Growing up we were taught that we all have certain rights as citizens of the U.S. The Bill of Rights which includes the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution are America’s guidelines to these rights. The First Amendment give us our rights to freedom of religion and speech. This phrase “freedom of religion and speech” is a broad one, which is why we go into great detail about what it specifically covers. The establishment clause, free exercise clause, free speech, free press, and the right to protest are the liberties included.
Do you have any rights or freedom? If you don't have freedom you should check with the constitution. They hold the amendments of America. “The amendments are on the bill of rights and there 27 of them today”. The first amendment holds our freedom, and was very important to the people.
Two Concepts of Liberty Summary of the essay: In this essay, the famous political theorist Isaiah Berlin tries to differentiate between the notions of positive liberty and negative liberty. Berlin briefly discusses the meaning of the word ‘freedom’. He says that a person is said to free when no man or body of men interferes with his activity. He makes reference to many philosophers in the essay, but there is more emphasis on the thoughts of J. S. Mill and Rousseau, the former being a firm advocate of negative liberty while the latter believes strongly in the ideals of positive liberty.
The fact that one has the right to say and believe is the foundation for democracy to function. If no one dared to say their opinions, then it had become a dictatorship where only one opinion on how society and the country should work had been the “right”. If people dared to express their opinions, they will help improving the society one lives. Freedom of speech gives one the responsibility to consider what fits into different contexts, and it will make us better persons and people. Simply, people will feel safe in the society they live in.