
Is College Education Good Or Bad

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Do college degrees and education open a guaranteed path for a triumph in life? College degrees and educations are not essential to be successful in life whether it 's being financially safe or finding your passion. Additionally, degrees and educations won’t guarantee your path for a better welfare. The first reason to back this thesis statement is student debts that were piled up because of strive for college education will often create financial burdens and have less experience on financial independence. Second, many college graduates show high rates of unemployment or underemployment. A Final reason, many successful people like Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs found their passions without college degrees. Point being, it’s not important to have …show more content…

As a result, student debt is only getting expensive as tuitions increased 163% over three decades. “...student debt in America has skyrocketed to more than $1 trillion ”(Roy, “The challenge of college affordability”), what is being depicted from the quote is America’s top agenda that need an immediate solution. In the long run, $1 trillion dollars of student debt will eventually affect the indebted students with the loss of $4 trillion dollars throughout America. “Student debt has grown so large that it stops many young people from buying houses, starting businesses or having children.” (“Is College Education Worth It?”), the quote explains how young people will have onerous times on starting their next chapter in life because of student debt. Many parents send their kids to college for their bright future and to head toward next chapter, but rather they might end up in their basements and trouble into …show more content…

To go in more details, economic analysis shows between the 20s to 30s who has full times jobs will make around an average of $17,500, “College graduates aged 25 to 32 who are working full time earn about $17,500…”(“Is College Education Worth It? Higher education”). This is exceedingly significant because it depicts people with expensive college degrees may not have the opportunity to have a job that supports themselves above the average salary income in the US, which is $48,000. Furthermore, the obstacle only gets more distressing, “One out of every four workers with a bachelor’s degree is overqualified for their jobs, according to a new study.”(Mulhere, “One-Quarter of College Grads Are Overqualified for Their Jobs”) , because the quote explains one out of four graduate will spend a further amount of cash on education than their job requires it to be. That’s significant amount workers who spent their precious money to earn bachelor 's degree, which additionally takes 4 years of their life. But in return, most of the degrees are overqualified for the jobs they applied or already have. This ultimately means one out of every four workers is underemployed in America. Many young people have spirits to attend college for a good wage and a job. But rather they’ll have an opposition of minimum wage and life-long burden of student debts. The counterclaim may explain college graduates will

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