The Importance Of Community Development

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For my research topic I have chosen community development as it has a very important role in local and state levels and carries a long purview of planning, businesses, groups and stakeholders. The question that I want to answer about this subject is how community development has a major role and impact in local levels in order to bring in, create and contribute to development of such communities. As well as how the work is being done in order to get the communities up and running. What is community development you may ask? It is a process where community members come together and take charge of the circumstances and factors that influence a community and changes the quality of life of its members. This could mean it is a quick fix or short-term issue, something or some kind of program that has to do with member participation. As the word development means it can also have to do with growth within the community size but in this case, it has to do with applying change. “Good community development is action that helps people to recognize and develop their ability and potential and organize themselves to respond to problems and needs which they share. It supports the establishment of strong communities that control and use assets to promote social justice and help improve the quality of community life. It also enables community and public agencies to work together to improve the quality of government” (SCDC, 2016). In order to be successful with change their must be a plan in