Heterogeneous Culture: The Life Of An American Teenager

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Throughout the modern civilization, we, the dominant culture, continue to discover new and innovative things. A dominant culture is a shared culture that many belong, in this case, modern society. We try to discover things to better understand ourselves, like how scientists are always looking at the body or space or anything of that sort to see what we are made of or the role the modern human plays in society, or even the world. The world we live in is a mix between many different cultures under the dominant culture. This is called a heterogeneous culture, differences in cultural identity related to class, race, ethnicity, etc. Although we are made up of many different cultures, we belong to the modern society as well. This heterogeneous culture …show more content…

According to the essay, “The Life of an American Teenager” found on Bartleby.com, it states, “The American teenager is continually negatively bombarded by the social media, the internet, and is controlled to some extent by technology.” Our whole society is extremely reliant on technology, but especially teens. Not only in America, but teens all over the world. Most will wake up in the mornings and immediately check their phones to see what they missed, who they missed, and what is the latest trend. They will attend a school usually with many peers that all have the same media platform in which they do. They will be taught in classes like Math, English, History, etc using computers, promethean boards, etc. Teens will then leave school, most even in their own or a friend’s car, and engage in after school sports, jobs, activities with friends, homework, or a variety of different things. Most will return home to their families and have a dinner either together or not in their houses that were built by professionals. Average teens in this society worry about things like school, friends, social media, maybe jobs or sports. All this time, they are constantly checking their cell phones and technology for the latest updates. Teens are so dependent on this, a study was even done in May 2017 on statista.com. This study claimed, “43 percent of female teen internet users had …show more content…

In time, perhaps each people can learn from each other. The modern people to be more reliant on each other, other than their smartphones. The indigenous people to be more open to help other than each other. Each can do the other a great advantage, if they are so willing. Modern society must to try to learn from these tribes instead of changing them and the indigenous people open to accepting the education that may come their way. Work Cited Blogger, Guest. “5 Interesting Facts about the Himba.” Africa Geographic, 17 Apr. 2015, africageographic.com/blog/5-interesting-facts-about-the-himba/. UNDP. “10 Things We All Should Know about Indigenous People by United Nations Development Programme on Exposure.” Exposure, stories.undp.org/10-things-we-all-should-know-about-indigenous-people. “Himba Clothing and Accessories.” Exploring Africa, 4 Feb. 2018, www.exploring-africa.com/en/namibia/himba-people/himba-clothing-and-accessories. “The Life of an American Teenager Essay.” The Life of an American Teenager Essay - 519 Words | Bartleby, 2016,