As part of human nature, we’re accustomed to following a set of rules to have an orderly and peaceful lifestyle. Usually, if those rules are disobeyed, destruction and disorder are bound to come our way. This act is prevalent in two stories, Beowulf and The Lord of the Flies, that were written centuries apart, but yet the concept of how ignoring rules can lead to the downfall of societies is common in both. Usually, a well-built society derives from a strong leader who has the characteristics of guiding people to do the right actions. Such an example would be Beowulf who is viewed as a God-like hero and is highly respected.
Throughout history disobedience has led to great progress and prosperity. Disobedience has led to some of history's greatest social movements. Throughout history, many people have risen and rebelled to create great social progress. I honestly think that disobedience is man's original virtue. Disobedience has brought about change and revolution and can be brought up by anyone, regardless of color and gender.
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. "-Socrates. Peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a free society because the society is not free unless it's able to check the government. As long as the protest of the law remains peaceful it is a good thing. It is the public telling the government that they will not let them gain to much power and crush their human rights.
The relationship between a government and its citizens must maintain the perfect balance between giving and taking. The relationship consists of constant checks and balances; however, it normally goes awry because either the disobedience is ineffective, or the authority is tyrannical. Typically, the relationship between a government and its citizens holds tension. The tension in the relationship stems from poor communication. Citizens communicate their grievances to the government through disobedience; therefore, the government communicates back by reestablishing order.
It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion”. Oscar is trying to prove that disobedience is a very valuable and beneficial trait and that there
“That government is best which governs least”(Thoreu). Times of struggle, times of big government, and times of disagreement often lead to religious, political, and social revolutions. Thus, bringing debate, conflict, and ultimately resolutions. Civil Disobedience can often be portrayed as criminalistic or sometimes judgement falls upon those who participate. Henry Thoreau stated “I ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government.”
I consider civil disobedience to be an easily-ignored pillar upon which our democracy was founded. In fact we are only established as a nation now because our founding fathers engaged in civil disobedience themselves. We were in a “social contract” of sorts with Great Britain and when we felt that they had not upheld their part of the contract (they did not allow us to create courts to maintain order, or to create a navy to defend ourselves, or to sustain our economy due to an inability to trade with any other countries), Thomas Jefferson concluded that it was our not only our right, but also our duty to break away. And it was Thomas Jefferson that combined all of the works of the great thinkers before him such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke
To disobey someone is to disregard them and refuse their authority, and this in generally seen as a bad thing. People are told to listen and obey to the higher ups to avoid punishment. But, throughout history disobedience has brought about much needed change. Disobedience is often necessary to promote change and we can see this throughout America's history. From the American revolution in 1775 to the slave rebellions in the 19th century to the civil rights movement in 1954.
Civil Disobedience Civil disobedience is defined as, the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes. Henry David Thoreau gives a complete rundown of civil disobedience in his book, Civil Disobedience. In “Letter From Birmingham City Jail”, Martin Luther King, Jr., he talks about how he was put in jail for peaceful protesting “In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps..” (King), which is part of civil disobedience. Civil disobedience can be necessary in certain circumstances.
Civil Disobedience is an important moral responsibility of a citizen, however it should not get to the level of illegal activity under any circumstances, because great reform can be brought peacefully not violently. In the title named "On Civil Disobedience" by Mohandas K. Ghandi once said: “No country has ever become or will ever become, happy though victory in war”(Mohandas K. Gandhi , 148). Even that long ago, when war was at high, and people embraced it, he knew that the only thing war brought was death, and depression among civilians. This method of civil disobedience has only resulted into more wars, and no real solutions. The most efficient way to the be civilly disobedient is to be peaceful, but willing to stand up for your cause.
Peaceful resistance is necessary for social change. The founders of the United States believed in this idea when writing the Declaration of Independence. John Locke, an enlightenment thinker who our founding fathers took ideas from, came up with the idea of the social contract. This is the agreement that a government and its people have and when citizens feel their government is wronging them then they have the right to revolt. Civil disobedience is a form of expressing the social contract and the consent of the governed.
In the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks, The Department of Homeland Security was created to deal with terrorism threats to national security. The Anti-Terrorism plan brought forth by the department of Homeland security is split into 9 main components. A brief overview of each components is discussed. Finally the plan is looked at as a whole, evaluating how well each component leads to a unified anti-terrorism plan. Assignment 3 September 11, 2001, the worst terrorist attack on US soil to date, killing thousands of people, rocketed the nation.
I believe that civil disobedience is good for the advancement of the American society. This a simple fact which has been proven many times by history all around the world. A few examples of important historical participants and leaders in civil disobedience include Mohandas Gandhi, Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and much more. Mohandas Gandhi was an Indian man who spent his life protesting the unjust anti-Indian law in Britan using, you guessed it, civil disobedience. Most importantly on March 30, 1930, when he lead a defiance march to the sea.
People's justification to engage in civil disobedience rests on the unresponsiveness that their engagement to oppose an unjust law receives. People who yearn for a change in a policy might sometimes find themselves in a dead end because their “attempts to have the laws repealed have been ignored and legal protests and demonstrations have had no success” (Rawls 373). What Rawls says is that civil disobedience is a last option to oppose an unjust law; therefore, providing civil disobedients with a justification for their cause. Civil disobedience is the spark of light that people encountered at the dead end and they hope that this spark of light will illuminate to show that an unjust law should not exist at all. Martin Luther King, Jr, in his “Letter from
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world” These astonishing words that Mahatma Gandhi said made me suppose that Civil Disobedience is a Moral Responsibility of a citizen because when breaking certain laws, a citizen perhaps incorporate a good intention or a bad intention for breaking it. Citizens break the law occasionally to have their beliefs be heard so change can be assemble. Some ways that Civil Disobedience can be a Moral Responsibility would be breaking the law for the right intentions. An example of breaking the law for the right intentions could be The Salt March that Gandhi Created or, Rosa Parks standing up for her beliefs about her actions, MLK wanting equal rights with caucasian. Illegal Immigrants coming into the