Diversity In The Workplace: A Literature Review

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Mazur (2010) goes on to say that diversity in workforce is the face of changing world and the new policies of management needs to work around and within with this derive a better performing and competing workforce.

In a world rapidly globalizing cultural difference will become the new dividing lines and they become more obvious (Huntington, 1996). The evidence in history is prominent as to, how Ptolemaic culture flourished because of the trade relations with the Mediterranean and the Indian subcontinent, Alexandria became one of the main cultural and economical centers (Helble, 2006).

Organization globally has struggled to find ways to excel their target or forecasted business and have been evolving adoption of strategy to achieve that goal. Over years it has struggled to find ways to use the diversified backgrounds of workforce to get a commercial advantage (Love, 2010). …show more content…

…especially in today global economy, yet many organizations grapple with how to develop and apply diversity principles in a way that will affect revenue and market position, as well as reputation (love 2010). And argues that for companies to successfully utilize the diversity, they must derive a ‘strategic framework’ where she emphasizes the importance of cultural inclusion while retaining diversified workforce. She outlays following traits for