The Importance Of Drug Legalization

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Drug legalization is the right decision for world.

Now a day’s drug is the main problem of each and every country. Big palace to slum there is a reign of drug. Now a day’s people get too much stress of their daily life, they can’t get enough time for pleasure. For finding pleasure they choose the path of taking drug and then they lost their own little world; after that they get proper motivation for work. Its help them to knowing thyself. People work for a better life and better meal, but doing too many work with brain and body they become stress and after that they want a relief. If they take weed they will get some moment which is only their own. We should use our nature properly and drug is one of the great creations of nature. For this situation it can be said that weed is not a drug it’s a plant and the dealer is the florist. So it’s really important to legalize drug for making a peaceful world. The main arguments are ○1Illegal drug trade and reducing crime○2Decreasing health risks ○3Save money.

○1 Reducing crime:
Firstly according to history we can see that drug addicted commit many crimes for taking and selling drugs. Illegal drug trade in Latin America concerns primarily the production and sale of cocaine and cannabis, including the export of these banned substances to the United States and Europe. Coca cultivation is concentrated in the Andes of South America, particularly in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia; this is the world 's only source region for coca (Ribando