The Importance Of First Love In Dorian Gray

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In number six we have “First Love.” First love is about something, a passion, a talent, that you 've have but have neglected for a while, but at the same time it is always there for you. It is there as an escape or a place you feel safe. Dorian had his painting that symbolized or refers to his beauty and as him being consider an art. He believes that his only superior quality is his pretty face and can’t imagine losing it. It is in a way not his fault to think that way since the whole idea of “youth” is very powerful during this time. Beauty is a powerful value that can become an advantage. This is because people look up to the beautiful people and because of this the beautiful people get everything and anything they want. Therefore, Dorian …show more content…

Talks about insecurity, emptiness and loneliness. You feel like no one loves you and you reflect on those feelings of self-hatred and insecurity and trying to overcome them. The Dorian Gray in Basil 's painting is the “real or original” Dorian Gray. He is young, pure, and whose innocence is literally painted on his face. However, throughout the story the painting shows who Dorian is. All his murders and crimes are reflected in the aging, and evil face of his portrait. Every week, hour and second in the story we could see that Dorian would grow old and old. Although he was not caught from all of his crimes and sins he couldn’t lie to the painting. “It might escape the hideousness of sin, but the hideousness of age was in store for it. The cheeks would become hollow or flaccid. Yellow crow 's feet would creep round the fading eyes and make them horrible. The hair would lose its brightness, the mouth would gape or droop, would be foolish or gross, as the mouths of old men are. There would be the wrinkled throat, the cold, blue-veined hands, the twisted body, that he remembered in the grandfather who had been so stern to him in his boyhood. The picture had to be concealed. There was no help for it” (Wilde 100). His age reflected the ugly he was inside. To him, as long as he kept his beauty, he didn’t really care about being or hidden his true self. “The world is just another name for despair. My height is just another diameter for the earth. I am all of my joy and anxiety. It repeats every day, the love and hate directed to me. I just stand there with the familiar darkness. With the people that are smiling. And beer, which makes me smile. Coming to me softly. Fear, which holds my hand. It’s okay because everyone is in twos or threes.” Dorian knew of what he was doing but being so in love with staying young and