911 Amendment Pros And Cons Essay

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Due to the first amendment in the constitution; Americans have had freedom of speech and writing. Can you think of any time that we haven’t had those rights? How about 1917 when you would be committing a crime for expressing you feelings about the president in the newspaper or writing something that could lesson the success of the armed forces? There was even someone that would go through the mail of Americans and got rid of things that were offensive. One of the people that went through this was Charles T. Schenck. He was sent to court for writing and printing leaflets that urged the draftees to not go if they are supposed to. Though this does sound crazy in the time of was it is a big deal. If we have to use draft it is for a reason. We …show more content…

Patriot Act also happened within a hundred year span of everything else. The U.S. Patriot Act was passed for multiple reasons. Those reasons being that the citizens would feel safer with 9/11 just happening; and the other is that they predicted more restricted freedoms in the near future. President George W. Bush stated that the U.S. Patriot Act would also help law enforcement officials. One way is that it gives the opportunity to operate, not on separate tracks, but so they can share very crucial information on terrorist attacks before they have the chance to occur. Another way it would help is that is give the law enforcement officials better tools to end financial counter fitting, money laundering, and …show more content…

Though what they do has angered many people. Manu people don’t like the idea of to U.S. citizens giving up their freedom of speech at time of war due to them fearing they never get it back.
These are just a few of the many things that the government has done in the past one hundred years. Some of these things have angered citizens while others have made them feel safe. Whether it is taking our freedom of speech away to some extent; to being able to go through our mail looking for possible harmful things. They are doing it to protect us; not to hurt